We all have heard the term, “opposites attract.” I am not talking about electricity or magnetism, but people who have different characters, personalities, or if they like their eggs sunny side up or scrambled, tend to attract each other. Despite numerous romance novels and Hollywood chick flicks that portray so, if you really think about it, it doesn’t make any sense. Why would a person let another person of opposite nature enter their lives knowing that differences create problems and resistance?
We have been married for a short 10 months now, and as much as we are enjoying our marriage, it is not a smooth ride. We have encountered some of the good and bad from and about each other. Not only that, we are also learning more about ourselves because relationships bring out the best, and unfortunately, the worst, in us. If we were to stop at this, then “opposites attract” would not make sense at all.
Fortunately, a relationship, especially marriage, is designed to go beyond that. It is the start of becoming a better version of us. It is the catalyst that helps us unleash our potential. It is the training we need to live well with other people in society, not just our significant other. So if we think in these terms, “opposites attract” will start to make sense. And this is the ART of it all.
This time around we had the privilege to document the wedding of two beautiful souls, Carey and Steven. They chose a very unique venue called Mason Murer Fine Art Museum. We saw numerous sculptures and paintings, and we were slowly reminded that our relationship / marriage / love is indeed like art: while thousands of different colors and brush strokes applied to the same canvas may clash with each other, at the end of the day, it makes for one amazing work of art.
Congratulations to you both again Carey and Steven. We believe you will make one heck of an “art!” (and gorgeous kids of course!)