I recently came across a funny video about dating before and after marriage. In the early stages of dating, guys usually plan a date night or anniversary like there is no tomorrow. Candlelit dinner with champagne at the fanciest restaurant on the hotel rooftop. The most elaborate floral arrangement to swoon the sweetheart. Planning a month-niversary road trip somewhere exciting. Or, my all time favorite, going to the movies at a bistro cinema with leather recliners.
Enter marriage.
Candlelit dinner now becomes Chinese takeout or a local Chipotle. Taking road trips are now usually on an annual basis, not monthly. Going to the movies are now translated Redbox or Netflix. All of the sudden everything seems “downgraded” and not as exciting.
As we enter our third year of marriage, we have learned about and from each other, and grown very comfortable with with each other. And as much as we love those fancy date nights, we find ourselves at home (literally and figuratively) with the simpler things in life. Yes, the aesthetics might probably look less romantic and less Instagram-worthy, but that leaves us with room to focus on the primary thing: the marriage, or relationship in general. The lesson that we learned is that it’s not what or where you spend time in but who you spend it with. And that is an adventure, in fact, the greatest adventure in my opinion.
So, regardless if you’re going to Rome, Italy, or Rome, Georgia, we believe that the adventure will still be grand. Because at the end of the day, you will always have that special someone to spend the rest of your life with.
Here’s to Margaret and Jacob!